Thursday 20 January 2011

Bitter Later than never!

Wow and hello everyone, I finally have my first interview with one of the nicest guys in the bartending industry. Mr Stephan Berg. Stephan and his buisness partner Alexander Hauck are the brains behind The Bitter Truth company. They make a range of products from Bitters to Elixir's... I hope you enjoy it, because it was a pain in the arse to aninmate and has taken me way longer than expected... If you would like to be interviewed or you like to here the sound of your own voice.... Er well computer voice contact me

Thanks for watching



  1. at last a decent interview with a company owner who doesnt have a one sided view and massive ego! keep up the good work GB cant wait for the next soapbox!!!

  2. Cheers Barmonki... If you know Stephan, you will know that he is a very down to earth guy. Keep watching and I appreciate the feedback. kindest regards


  3. Dean Callan commented on your link.
    Dean wrote "Love the interview GB, well done !"
