Tuesday 31 May 2011


Ok ok, I know you havnt had enough gorilla in your daily diet of interweb bartending bullshit! But hay Alex Katrana or as he is known to president Obama as agent "A.K" saved the world from terrorism. Thanks Alex we love you! Anyways to all my five fans out there I have been working hard on some different projects of late... Not very good projects but anything to keep the money rolling in. While I have been away big talking, Iamdoingeveryseminaratmanhattancocktailweek Philp Duff has taken up the mantel of taking the piss outa the bartending community with an animated video! Anyways I won't be continuing animations anymore but will be slowly re-launching the blog! Expect my no nonsense straight talking downright offensive at times gorilla style...
Much love and respect the Gorilla!